For February's Grades 1-2 Book Club, we read Knights of the Kitchen Table by Jon Scieszka. Abigail, Cameron, Chase, Colten, Luna, Matt, Novi, Teddy and Trent were present. This is some of what we talked about!
Chapter 1
- Tell me the name of the character telling the story.
- What are the names of Joe’s friends?
- Who was attacking the three friends?
Chapter 2
- Tell me about Joe’s uncle?
- What did Joe’s uncle give him for his birthday?
- What happened to make the boys travel into the book?
Chapter 3
- How did the boys trick the knight?
- How did Fred knock the knight out and defeat him?
- After the boys defeated the knight, what came charging toward them?
Chapter 4
- Tell me about the three knights that approached the boys?
- Why were the knights impressed with the friends?
- What are the names of the three knights?
- Why did the knights want the boys to go with them?
Chapter 5
- What state were the boys trying to get back home to?
- Who was King Arthur’s wife or queen?
- What kind of a trick did Joe do for Merlin to show him he was an enchanter?
- How did Merlin feel about Fred, Joe and Sam?
Chapter 6
- Tell me about Bleob, the giant.
- How did Sam try to trick the giant?
Chapter 7
- How did Sam get Bleob to go fight the dragon?
- What’s the name of the dragon that was going to attack the castle?
- Tell me about Smaug?
Chapter 8
- What game did Fred, Sam and Joe teach the stableboys?
- Whose tower did Fred his the ball into?
- How did Merlin react to ball coming into his tower?
Chapter 9
- What’s the name of the sword King Arthur used to make the boys Knights of the Round Table?
- What did Merlin use to send the boys back home?
Chapter 10
- How did Joe’s mom feel about Uncle Joe’s present to him?
- What did Joe find after returning home that made the boys realize their adventure was real?
We also did a Word Search and had the opportunity to draw a giant!
For March's Book Club, we will be reading The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes.
At the heart of the story is Wanda Petronski, a Polish girl in a Connecticut school who is ridiculed by her classmates for wearing the same faded blue dress every day. Wanda claims she has one hundred dresses at home, but everyone knows she doesn’t and bullies her mercilessly. The class feels terrible when Wanda is pulled out of the school, but by that time it’s too late for apologies.
We will be meeting on Wednesday, March 6 at 3:00 p.m. Please be sure to pick up your copy of the book at the Circulation Desk and register for Book Club!