For December's Grades 1-2 Book Club, we read My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish by Mo O'Hara. Thomas was present.
Who is Tom's older brother?
Who is Tom's neighbor and friend? What is his sister's name?
What happens to the goldfish at the beginning of the story?
What does Tom name the goldfish? Why does he give him that name?
What happened to Mark on the slide after Frankie escaped the bathroom? Did everyone start to believe that Frankie is a zombie goldfish?
What do Tom and Pradeep call Pradeep's brother Sanj?
What is the name of Mark and Sanj's evil plan?
Please rate this book from 1-5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best.
For January's Book Club, we will be reading
Dragon Masters: Rise of the Earth Dragon by Tracey West
"DRAGON MASTERS has it all! Dragons, a Dragon Stone, a king, a wizard, and magic! In the first book in this fully-illustrated series, 8-year old Drake is snatched up by King Roland's soldier and taken to the castle. He is to be trained as a Dragon Master. At the castle, he is joined by three other young Dragon Masters-in-training: Ana, Rori, and Bo. The Dragon Masters must learn how to connect with and train their dragons--and they must also uncover their dragons' special powers. Does Drake have what it takes to be a Dragon Master? What is his dragon's special power?"
We will be meeting on Wednesday, January 6 at 3:30 p.m. Please be sure to pick up your copy of the book at the library and register (so Miss Lisa can send you the Zoom password).